Saturday, January 2, 2010

After thoughts

Well 2010 is here. Time to reflect about the past year and make resolutions for this year. 2009 was a strange year. An African American president, The death of Michael Jackson, more troops to Afghanistan, Healthcare reform, prop. 8 and same-sex marriage, tea parties, H1N1, balloon boy and Adam Lampert. The newest headliner that even if we tried to forget, the media would not allow us to - the mess Tiger Woods has made of his life. How does one throw away everything he has worked for his whole life for a bunch of broads?
On a more personal note, I lost my Mother as you all know, contacted MRSA from a pedicure, discovered Facebook, figured out my Nook and made peace with a neighbor. I am learning to declutter and trying to learn to let go of the apron strings of my 18 year old.
2009 was the year 3 friends of mine were diagnosed with breast cancer. Two of which have had mastectomys. All 3 women different from one another. Different backgrounds, different body types, different beliefs, different incomes and different lifestyles. These 3 different women having one common denominator. Breast cancer and my friendship. All 3 women having a separate special place in my heart. I wish you all a happy and healthy 2010. Do not give up the fight.

1 comment:

  1. Deb, great post, great summary of 2009. Praying for you better days in 2010. God bless you my sister, my friend.
