Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Grammy Etiquette

I think this year's Grammy awards show was one of the best I have ever seen. Lots of talent. There is one thing that bothers me. I think Katie Perry was right when she said to dress like a lady. I do believe it was a dig. Almost every young woman there is in competition to see who can where the least amount of clothes without being naked. Now don't get me wrong, I am no prude. I just feel there is a time and a place. The Grammy's is something that all of Hollywood gets decked out for in their designer clothes and who's wearing who and $10.000.00 dresses and black tie garb. This years designer seemed to be Johnson and Johnson and Jantzen or Edith Head perhaps. Why perform in bandages stratigically placed to cover the obvious. This is a prime time show. Young girls look up to you. Do you have great bodies? no doubt. Pink looked amazing. What is the message it sends? This is who our youth want to be like. Pink and Gaga and Beyonce all posess enormous talent and yet during the performance you are distracted by camera angles aimed upward at Beyonce's dress. I find myself thinking "does Lady Gaga wax her entire body?" They are hairless wonders. Wow, Pink is in some shape, why does Beyonce keep swinging her hair around? How can Fergie breathe in that corset?
Christina Aguilera was not there but I was never a big fan of Dirty Girl. Madonna was always a pig. Think back to the greats Barbara, Celine, Whitney, Patty Lobelle. Chaka, Susan Boyle lol. Yeah, I'm going back in time, but it was a better time. They all sang with class, except for Whitney's fall from grace and downward spiral into drug abuse. Kelly Clarkson did not have to be naked to get a standing ovation at the Music Awards. I love Pink, Lady Gaga, Beyonce and Fergie. Who doesn't? I just wish they they'd leave something to the imagination. Oh yeah and there is one more thing I did not like about the Grammys. Now before you acuse me of hating rap, I do enjoy occasional rap songs. I would just like to actually hear one from beginning to end without more than half being cut out to to obscenities. Besides, the Gangster look is over Lil wayne - pants on the ground, you looked like a fool with your pants on the ground.

1 comment:

  1. Didn't see the Grammy's, wanted to but I think Rick was watching something else and I was on Facebook. However, I do agree with you about how these so called "beautiful" people dress when they go out in public. Boobs hanging out, dresses so tight they can hardly walk, skimpy isn't even the word in some cases. This is what young, impressionable girls are looking at and wanting to be like. What happened to modesty. I guess it went out with the hippie movement. I'm really dating myself now LOL.
