Saturday, January 23, 2010

What a Difference a Year Makes

I got a new touch phone. Not the Iphone since I have Verizon, but a nice touch phone. Normally, I hate a new phone. I hate getting used to a new phone and I usually hate the phone itself. I like this phone. It took some time to get used to it. New technology is not my thing. I now can play Bejeweled on my phone. I started to think how much has changed in 1 year. I was surprised by how much has.

I year ago, I did not know that Christmas would be my mother's last one. I year ago, I did not have a blog. I didn't even know how to start or set one up. 1year ago, 4 of my friends did not have breast cancer. That is a lot of woman in just my circle. 1 year ago, my son did not have a girlfriend, nor was he in college. 1 year ago, I was not on Facebook communicating with so many people. Past and present. I did not play Yoville or Cafe world or Myfarm or my absolute favorite, Bejeweled Blitz. I was not sending angels and hearts or having food flings. What was I doing before Facebook?

I year ago, I did not have a Nook or a Blu Ray. I did not have a Pandora bracelet. Michael Jackson was still with us. Brad Pitt did not have that nasty beard. (what is that about?) Before Christmas 2009, my father never stayed overnight at my house. 1 year ago I did not know about MRSA much less see people with it and then have it myself. 1 year ago, I was still talking to a "friend" of 30 years who got annoyed at my husband so defriended me on FB. 1 year ago, I did not know Carol or Joe. Two people who I look forward to working with and have brightened
my life. 1 year ago Tracey and Rob had not yet adopted Keke. Concetta had just become a Grandma. Mrs. Ida next door was still with us. Beth was still harrassing us on a daily basis. I am Happy to say she is not and is now working. 1 year ago, Emmet, the Roberts' dog was still with us.
1 year ago, myself, my sister in law Marilyn and Kristen thought we were going to see Barry Manilow as a surprise from our husbands, Turns out the surprise was that we were not. We were going out for Valentine's Dinner. They didn't quite get that the surprise is supposed to be better than the lie you make up to cover the surprise.
I year ago Kristen did not have uggs or a warm coat and Alyssa did not have Heely's. Daniel was not away at college and Joanne was not pregnant. Sandi was not going to Happy Hour. Marie's heart wasn't breaking watching her mother struggle. Joe's friend Rick was still with us. Mim was still my Mom's best friend. Now they are together.
1 year ago, I made the worst coffee. I bought a new pot. That's all it was. It is so cute, a 4 cup Mister Coffee. Now I make a couple of cups every morning with Folgers. 1 year ago, I was not contemplating cutting my hair short and letting it go gray. The constant maintenance and cost is out of control. I am considering it. I think it will be liberating. If you see a profile pic of an old gray haired woman, it's still me. What a difference that would make.


  1. I loved this Debbie, nicely done!

  2. You wrapped up your year in a nice, neat package. Looking back is good for us, but looking forward to what will be is even better. Don't you think? Love you sis! 8~)

  3. Maybe we'll be going to see Barry this year......doubtful
    Many changes this year, that's for sure- Pat is right though, we need to look forward to better and brighter days ahead :)

  4. you forgot that you couldn't text 1 year ago
