Thursday, February 25, 2010


Where are you spring? I am longing for the promise of rebirth and all things new. Spring. I look out my window and I see rain and gray skies and remnants of snow that we will have fresh snow on top of again by tomorrow. I want to see tiny little sprouts coming up from the ground. Those little fragile faithful old friends we see every year peeking out from under the leaves that we didn't quite get during fall cleanup. The little spec of hope that we dare not uncover and expose yet because we know it is too soon and we want to keep them covered with their winter blanket of leaves.

My garden. Now I hate gardening, so I try to keep it simple. I love the perennials that just appear. They are faithful and return every year. I just wish their blooms lasted longer. That is why I have invested in Hydrangea's. They bloom all summer and well into early fall, They are beautiful. They come in different shapes, sizes and colors and only a few cuttings are enough for an impressive bouquet. Yes they cost more than some plants and annuals for sure, but they are worth it.

My garden is filled with wonder and awe at god's knowledge and truth that all things will be renewed. The miracle of a little seed becoming something so beautiful is one of God's gifts. Sometimes at the end of the summer season when they have the perennial sale, you know the ones that look half dead? I grab some. They are much cheaper and pretty hardy. With little care, I put them in the ground before frost and I wait. I don't usually remember what I have planted. Sometimes I never knew to begn with. I saw it for $3.00 and grabbed it saying to myself "we'll see in the spring what it becomes" I love the surprise of a new plant. They always come up. Sometimes way too big for the space I planted it, sometimes too small. It is all trial and error. So I move it. It might look like it will not survive for a while but they always seem to bounce back.

My garden is also filled with memories. Memories of gifts and holidays and people who have come and gone. Celebrations and sadness. My lilac bush that was here when I bought the house. It always reminds me of Mother's Day and the birth of my son. It blooms in early may. The scent of those blooms, no man made product can reproduce. I would bring my mother a bouquet every year. Such a pity they only last about 2-3 weeks.

The huge orange/gold roses that climb up the birdhouse pole. They bloom all summer. It is the perfect spot in the front of my house. I have other roses but none are as breathtaking as these are. The stems are as thick as a drumstick and the thorns can really do damage. It was bought at The Herb Farm in Peconic out at the eastern end of Long Island. One of mine and my friends Kristen's favorite places. It is a beautiful place to have a picnic and relax. Look at the gardens and property that overlooks the Peconic River. Much to my Godaughter Alyssa's delight there is also a pond with giant croaking frogs.

Circling the tree in the front that the front walk encompasses is all the Hostas that Rick's friend "Poppa" gave us quite a few years ago. The thing about hostas is they are pretty much indestructable. They get quite large and you can divide them. Just chop them in half or 3rds and you get more. They are great as dividers and edging. I had them in pots for quite some time until I decided what to do with them and they still would faithfully return right in that pot. Even if you get so lazy and leave them laying on the grass and forget about them, those roots will take hold and come back right in that spot next year.

I have tulips and daffodils and hyacinth (another smell you cannot capture ) along the side of the house. The 1st sign of spring. I do love these but so do the squirrels and I have trouble keeping bulbs. Those pesky rodents are forever digging them up. These flowers are mostly from Easters and Mother's Days gone by. From friends and Godchildren and sister in laws and sons and brothers and husbands and fathers and mothers. All assorted gifts from those special occasions as well as the lillies which I can smell as I walk by.

I am waiting to go out from my living room onto my patio with my cup of coffee and see my prickly pear cactus from Jane with it's vibrant yellow flowers. How can a cactus survive the winter every year? Amongst the rock garden the neighbors that inhabit it are my beautiful purple butterfly bush that I cut down every year and still becomes 6 ft tall with butterflies (as well as bees ) hovering around it every day. My oh so soft and furry silver green lamb's ears that make me wish I could have socks made out of them. They are one of the oldest on the block.

I have Stella Dora and Amazing Grace Day Lillies that I took a gamble on at The Bloomin Haus. I could not see what they looked like, but I liked the name. I am sure glad I took that gamble. They live alongs the white picket dividing fence with the tall grasses. They are so perfect and stiff that they look fake. You must touch them. I am anxious to see if Jackie's perenial Hibiscus returns this year. I trekked it home from Lancaster for her as she asked. I got one for me too but I think it died before I got it in the ground. If Jackie's comes up, I will try it again. I didn't know they were perennial. I am also patiently waiting on the arrival of Judy's Peony to return from last Easter. I hope it has blooms. Peonies have never done well in my garden but Kristens are spectacular and I find myself having peony envy.

Hollyhocks and Flox and Eucanacia among other flowers and plants I have temporarliy forgotten will all return again soon to bring me joy and simple pleasures. Perhaps though this year what will be the most bittersweet return will be the garden I planted for my mother last year knowing it would return this year. I wish you could see those returning hydrangeas and day lillies and other assorted flowers I painstakingly and lovingly planted for you Mom. Along with your light up birds and butterfly affectionately known as Mim, her friend who passed away a few years ago. Mim always said she was coming back as a butterfly. The hardest of all though, will be the bleeding heart my Mother gave me many years ago. It never fails to take my breath away by the wonder of it's heartiness and fragileness of it's petals at the same time. A Bleeding Heart. How fitting. I do not need this plant to remind me of you Mom you are everywhere. It's just that I am living with a Bleeding Heart.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

My Simple Pleasures

I have not written lately. I told my sister in law Patty I have "bloggers block" She made some suggestions. Topics, interests, TV, books, things that have happened through out the day, lists, etc.

I am sluggish. This is the time of year that I really hate. christmas is over. Winter is long. Still dark early. It depresses me. I believe I suffer from seasonal effects disorder. I got to thinking, maybe I should think about things I enjoy. Simple pleasures in every day life. Things we take for granted. Moments. Patty's right. I can certainly make a list. I hope you will all add some of your simple pleasures to the list. There are so many things to be grateful for. These are just a few things that bring joy to me and my life in no particular order.

Sleeping late on days off

snow days

family gatherings
old family photos and reminiscing
burning leaves
apple cider
holly and mistletoe
the smell of celery and onions mixed with sage, cooking in anticipation of meeting the bread for stuffing

christmas tree lights still on late at night

candles burning

A hot bath in my clawfoot tub

a good hair day

an amish quilt

The Shady Maple


a fire in the fireplace

going out to dinner

a text from my 19 year old son saying I love you.

a singing phone message from cousin Gerry

Barry Manilow CD

a good book

my Nook

a new Longaberger basket

a long lost friend on FB

a new pair of slippers or pajamas

the smell of the crock pot cooking

when my husband puts gas in my car

clean sheet night

a good bottle of wine

when people post on my blog

bingo night

the snack shack

cooking with my brother

an unexpected phone call from my brother

having the same friends for more that 20 years
Home Video Memories
friends who are "family"
Homespun friends

getting a pedicure

getting a backrub

a new haircut

a cup of coffee or tea with my neighbor that I do not get to see too often.

Kevin and Marie teaching me a new way to cook sweet potatoes. DELISH

Seeing my son wear the shoes I bought him.

seeing my son wear the clothes I bought him

Having my dad sleep over after all these years.

carol's laughter.



decent relationships with ex's

relationships with family and extended families of ex's
ex sister and brother in laws still calling me their sister in law

heinous husband awards

a friend unexpectedly visiting my job

sharing recipes

a kick in the pants

"goodest goodest" friends

Dove chocolate

my electronic starter

realizing I did bring my glasses to the movie theatre.

turning the clocks ahead.

70's music


McDreamy and McSteamy

Sonny, Jason, Patrick, Jax and Dante
home grown tomatoes

Rocky Mountain High and Country Roads

Sunshine on My Shoulders


The Electric slide


East end

farm stands

herb gardens

Shelter Island Ferry

not having to wait on line at Maureen's Kitchen

old friends from SCS & SGT

Long Island beaches


chocolate chip cookies

spritzer cookies from A Rise Above

A New York Wedding (looking forward to one 3/6 )

words of wisdom


sharing grief with a friend in the same emotional place

puffs tissues


my sauce

fresh mozzarella

a cold diet Dr. Pepper in the frig

Ruby in a good mood at work


old love letters

my tart burner

old christmas ornaments

Olde Mill Shoppes

whoopie pies


horse and buggy
candles in the window
Christines jellies and Krumkaka

Starbucks vanilla Latte's

Kitchen Kettle

the smell of fresh pine

warm pumpernickel bagels on Sunday morning

summer picnics

friday flowers

sit down Chinese restaurant

my bed

my electric blanket

heirlooms handed down
Walt Disney Movies
wild flowers
bulbs becoming flowers
bejeweled blitz
summer barbecues
homemade potato salad
homemade gifts
handwritten letters
knowing I will see my mother again
food on the table
the comfort of home
a roof over our heads
I have many many things that bring me joy and that I am grateful for. I could go on for days. Did you notice that many of my simple pleasures have to do with food? Well noone likes to eat alone. They all are circled around my family and friends whom without I would not find as much pleasure.
It is enough. I am grateful.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Grammy Etiquette

I think this year's Grammy awards show was one of the best I have ever seen. Lots of talent. There is one thing that bothers me. I think Katie Perry was right when she said to dress like a lady. I do believe it was a dig. Almost every young woman there is in competition to see who can where the least amount of clothes without being naked. Now don't get me wrong, I am no prude. I just feel there is a time and a place. The Grammy's is something that all of Hollywood gets decked out for in their designer clothes and who's wearing who and $10.000.00 dresses and black tie garb. This years designer seemed to be Johnson and Johnson and Jantzen or Edith Head perhaps. Why perform in bandages stratigically placed to cover the obvious. This is a prime time show. Young girls look up to you. Do you have great bodies? no doubt. Pink looked amazing. What is the message it sends? This is who our youth want to be like. Pink and Gaga and Beyonce all posess enormous talent and yet during the performance you are distracted by camera angles aimed upward at Beyonce's dress. I find myself thinking "does Lady Gaga wax her entire body?" They are hairless wonders. Wow, Pink is in some shape, why does Beyonce keep swinging her hair around? How can Fergie breathe in that corset?
Christina Aguilera was not there but I was never a big fan of Dirty Girl. Madonna was always a pig. Think back to the greats Barbara, Celine, Whitney, Patty Lobelle. Chaka, Susan Boyle lol. Yeah, I'm going back in time, but it was a better time. They all sang with class, except for Whitney's fall from grace and downward spiral into drug abuse. Kelly Clarkson did not have to be naked to get a standing ovation at the Music Awards. I love Pink, Lady Gaga, Beyonce and Fergie. Who doesn't? I just wish they they'd leave something to the imagination. Oh yeah and there is one more thing I did not like about the Grammys. Now before you acuse me of hating rap, I do enjoy occasional rap songs. I would just like to actually hear one from beginning to end without more than half being cut out to to obscenities. Besides, the Gangster look is over Lil wayne - pants on the ground, you looked like a fool with your pants on the ground.